An Unbiased Review of the Cricut Joy
I decided to purchase the Cricut Joy to give my readers an unbiased review of the machine.
DISCLAIMER: I had to purchase this with my own greenbacks. It is not a sponsored review.
First, I just want you to know that I was sweating bullets on this one. I love gadgets. If it will make my life, especially my crafting life, easier then I am all for it. However, there is a line I draw in the sand and that is cost. I splurged for the Cricut Maker, but boy the Cricut Joy is not cheap.
I had to ask myself, “Is this beautiful compact teal goodness worth the money?” That my dear Watson is the million-dollar question.
Secondly, I did read and watch a mess load of reviews out on the internet, but they were all available before the machine was even released to the public.
“Hmm,” I thought, “I wonder how many of these were sponsored posts and received the machine for free”? Probably most of them. I am sure that some reviews are unbiased but the fact that someone gave them the merchandise to review always seems a little sketch to me.
More importantly, I bet you if they had to fork over their hard-earned cash they may think differently. Because of this, I decided to shell out the $179.99, yes you read that right $179.99 for the little bundle of Joy.
First Impression of the Cricut Joy
My first impression is that it is super cute. I love the color. My sewing room is also that color. It is also compact and with the size comes easy portability. this is nice if you do not have a dedicated craft area or if you have crafting get-togethers with your tribe.
Just for entertainment value, I filmed the unboxing and my review of the Cricut Joy. I am not my enthusiastic self, watch, and see.
If you have any questions please comment below.
As Always.
Happy Crafting!
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